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Bore Tech Chameleon Gel Cleaner & Polish, 2 oz
4.8 out of 5
$ 27.04
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Est delivery:
Sat Jan 18 - Mon Jan 20
76 in Stock
Est. Shipping:
1 unit:   $10.00
3 units: $10.00
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$ 27.04
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Est delivery:
Sat Jan 18 - Mon Jan 20
76 in Stock
Est. Shipping:
1 unit:   $10.00
3 units: $10.00
Free 3-5 Day Shipping on Orders Over $600
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When purchasing Bore Tech or any other brand from store, you can be sure that (a) you are purchasing from US based company with the most responsive and friendly customer service; (b) an authentic, not a counterfeit and not a refurbished product.

The Bore Tech Chameleon Gel Cleaner & Polish is a 2 oz. product that cleans and polishes firearm bores effectively. This gel cleaner and polisher is specially designed to be pH neutral, non-abrasive, and ammonia-free, making it the ideal solution for regular firearm maintenance, as well as deep cleaning.

The gel cleaner is easy to apply and can easily penetrate any contaminants that may have accumulated on the bore while simultaneously enhancing the structural integrity of the rifling. Additionally, the Chameleon Gel Cleaner and Polish is designed to be used in combination with synthetic patches, hence making the cleaning process hassle-free and straightforward.

This product is unique from competitors because it is formulated to perform deep cleaning without compromising the bore surface in any way. Therefore, the Bore Tech Chameleon Gel Cleaner and Polish is a reliable and cost-effective solution for those looking to maintain their firearm's bore cleanliness regularly.

In conclusion, the Bore Tech Chameleon Gel Cleaner and Polish is an optimal solution for firearm enthusiasts and professionals alike. The product is safe, easy to apply, and outshines its competitors with its exceptional performances. We highly recommend it to anyone looking to maintain the cleanliness and structural integrity of their firearm's bore.


Extremely Fouled BoresLightly Polishing Bore
Carbon Fouling in Throat AreaStubborn Copper Fouling





Traditional abrasive bore pastes solely rely on aluminum oxide grit and mechanical abrasion to remove fouling. Complicating matters, this decades old technology turns black whether the barrel is copper fouled, carbon fouled or 100% clean. Shooters have no indication of their bore condition and in turn overuse the traditional bore pastes damaging their barrel. Not with Chameleon Gel!

Chameleon Gel safely cleans fouling in half the time of traditional abrasive bore pastes by utilizing a micron sized, silica based polish that creates an activation site for the patented chemical technology to quickly and effectively clean. It also changes colors to show what type of fouling is in the bore and when the bore is clean.  

 Copper and Carbon Fouled Barrelgun cleaning gel gun cleaning gel
 Copper Fouled Barrel best gun cleaning gelgel for gun cleaning
 Carbon Fouled BarrelGun Cleaning Gel Buy Gun Cleaning Gel Online
Clean Barrel Best Gun Cleaning Gel Buy Gun Cleaning Gel


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Product Highlights
  • 100% Barrel Safe
  • Odor Free
  • Non-Hazardous
  • 100 % Biodegradable
  • Contains No Ammonia
  • Short Term Rust Preventative
  • Non-Flammable
Other Information
  • Est Delivery: 3 to 5 business days
  • Returns: 30 day returns
  • Delivery Area: Within Continental US
  • Payment methods: Payment methods
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